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Relationship Building

Technical documentation that may be misconstrued as life advice.


This tutorial covers advanced techniques for working with the relationship interpretation in nodestream.

The nodestream Interpreter works off the concept of the Source Node. This is the node that is conceptually at the center of the data being ingested. Since a relationship is defined in terms of the two nodes it connects, all we need to do after we have defined our source node is to define the other node that the source node is connected to.

Basic Relationship Building

Relationships are defined in the pipeline using the relationship interpretation. The relationship interpretation is used to connect the source node to another node in the graph.

Imagine we are building a social network graph and are processing data about users and their friends. We might have a source node that represents a user and a relationship that represents the user's friend that connects to another user node like so:

Presuming that the raw data looks like this:

"user": "John Doe",
"friend": "Jane Doe"

We would define our interpretations like this:

# Future code examples will omit the source node for brevity
- type: source_node
node_type: User
name: !jmespath user
- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: FRIENDS_WITH
name: !jmespath friend

This is a simple example, but it demonstrates the basic concept of connecting nodes in a graph.


The relationship interpretation is used to connect the source node to another node in the graph. By default, the relationship interpretation will create the related node if it does not already exist. If the related node already exists, the relationship interpretation will connect the source node to the existing node and update the node's properties.

Connecting to More Than One Node at a Time

In many cases, the source node will be connected to more than one node at a time. There are several techniques for handling this situation.

Multiple relationship Interpretations

The simplest way to handle this situation is to define multiple relationship interpretations in the same pipeline. Each relationship interpretation will connect the source node to a different node.

For example, consider the following raw data:

"user": "John Doe",
"follows": "Jane Doe",
"likes": "Bob Smith"

We might want to model this as a graph like this:

To accomplish this, we would need to define two relationship interpretations in the same pipeline:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: FOLLOWS
name: !jmespath follows
- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: LIKES
name: !jmespath likes

This is simple, explicit, and easy to understand. However, it can be cumbersome if there are many relationships to define. Still, this is the best approach if the relationships do not share common configuration.

find_many Key

The next technique is to use the find_many key. This flag tells nodestream to interpret the provided key binding as a list of nodes, and to create a relationship to each of them. This is useful when the nodes to connecto to are all at the same level in the raw data and/or when they share the same configuration.

For example, consider the following raw data:

"user": "John Doe",
"follows": [
"name": "Jane Doe"
"name": "Bob Smith"

We might want to model this as a graph like this:

To accomplish this, we would use the find_many key:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
find_many: true
name: !jmespath follows[*].name

This is a more concise and expressive way to define the relationships. It also works when the key of the related node is multiple parts. For example, if the raw data looked like this:

"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"follows": [
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe"
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Smith"

We could still use the same find_many key:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
find_many: true
first_name: !jmespath follows[*].first_name
last_name: !jmespath follows[*].last_name

This works by zipping the first_name and last_name arrays together and creating a relationship for each pair.

iterate_on Key

The iterate_on key is similar to the find_many key in the sense that it allows you to connect to more than one node at a time in the same relationship interpretation. However, it is more flexible in that it allows you to iterate over an arbitrary structure and bind the keys (and properties) relative to the current iteration. What the heck does that mean? Let's see an example.

Consider the data we used in the previous example:

"user": "John Doe",
"follows": [
"name": "Jane Doe"
"name": "Bob Smith"

The equivlent interpretation using the iterate_on key would look like this:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
iterate_on: !jmespath follows[*]
name: !jmespath name

In this example, the benefit of using the iterate_on key is not immediately obvious. However, it will be more clear when we add properties to the relationship, which we will cover in the next section.

Adding Properties to Relationships

By default, a relationship comes with relatively few properties on it. Many domain models require additional properties to be added to relationships. For example, consider a social network where users can follow other users.

Given raw data like this:

"user": "John Doe",
"follows": [
"name": "Jane Doe",
"since": "2021-01-01"
"name": "Bob Smith",
"since": "2021-01-15"

We might want to model this as a graph like this:

To accomplish this, we would need to add a since property to the relationship between the user and the user they follow. That can be done with the following interpretation:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: FOLLOWS
iterate_on: !jmespath follows[*] # Iterate over each user the user follows
name: !jmespath name
since: !jmespath since

Here we use the relationship_properties key to map the properties we want to add to the relationship to the corresponding values in the raw data. Note that in this example, we are using the iterate_on key to iterate over each user the user follows but this also works with a flat data structure. For example, if the raw data looked like this:

"user": "John Doe",
"follows": "Jane Doe",
"since": "2021-01-01"

We could use the following interpretation:

- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: FOLLOWS
name: !jmespath follows
since: !jmespath since

Adding Keys to Relationships

By default, a relationship is generally defined as unique by the combination of the specific nodes it connects and the type of the relationship. In other words, only one relationship of a given type can exist between any two nodes.

However, many data models require relationships to be unique based on some other property. For example, take a permissions model where a user can have many roles within an organization.

Given raw data like this:

"name": "John Doe",
"roles": [
"name": "owner",
"organization": {
"name": "Acme Corp"
"name": "admin",
"organization": {
"name": "Acme Corp"

We might want to model this as a graph like this:

In such a case, we would want to ensure that the user node has two relationships to the organization, one for each role. Based on what we've learned so far, one might expect something like this to work:

# does-not-work.yaml
- type: relationship
node_type: Organization
relationship_type: HAS_MEMBERSHIP
iterate_on: !jmespath roles[*] # Iterate over each role
# Get the name of the organization; this will be used to uniquely identify the node.
name: !jmespath
role: !jmespath name

While this does work, it will only create one relationship between the user and the organization, and it will have the properties of the last role in the list. Not what we want.

To get this to work, we can add a relationship_key section instead of a relationship_properties section to the relationship interpretation. This tells nodestream to deduplicate relationships by accounting for the defined key of the relationship in addition to the nodes its relating. This will create two relationships between the user and the organization, one for each role. 🎉

# does-work.yaml
- type: relationship
node_type: Organization
relationship_type: HAS_MEMBERSHIP
iterate_on: !jmespath roles[*] # Iterate over each role
# Get the name of the organization; this will be used to uniquely identify the node.
name: !jmespath
# Get the name of the role; this will be used to uniquely identify the relationship.
role: !jmespath name

In some cases, you may want to add properties to the related nodes themselves. For example, consider a social network where we are modeling users and liked posts.

Given raw data like this:

"user": "John Doe",
"liked_posts": [123, 456],

We might want to update our graph like this:

To accomplish this, we would need to add a last_liked_by property to the Post node that John Doe liked. While you can flatten the data or flip the ingestion around so that the Post is the source node, these are not always feasible options and are indirect solutions to the problem. Instead, you can use the node_properties key to add properties to the related nodes.

- type: relationship
node_type: User
relationship_type: LIKED
find_many: true
id: !jmespath liked_posts[*]
last_liked_by: !jmespath user

Flipping Relationship Directionality

In nodestream all relationships are directed, meaning that they have a source and a target node. By default, relationships are directed from the source node to the target node. However, you can change flip the direction of the relationship by setting the outbound key to false.

For example, consider our previous example with a social network where we are modeling users and liked posts.

Given raw data like this:

"user": "John Doe",
"liked_posts": [123, 456],

We might want to update our graph like this:

To accomplish this, we would need to set the outbound key to false in the relationship interpretation.

- type: relationship
node_type: Post
relationship_type: WAS_LIKED_BY
find_many: true
id: !jmespath liked_posts[*]
outbound: false

By default, nodestream will create nodes for related nodes if they do not already exist. However, you can prevent this behavior by setting the node_creation_rule key to either MATCH_ONLY or FUZZY.

  • MATCH_ONLY will only create a relationship if the related node already exists. If the related node does not exist, the relationship will not be created.
  • FUZZY will treat the key properties as regular expressions and will only create a relationship to the nodes that match the regular expression. If no nodes match the regular expression, the relationship will not be created.

This is only supported for string properties and has a performance impact and should be used with caution.

Dynamic Node / Relationship Types

In some cases, you may want to dynamically set the type of the relationship based on the data. For example, recall our permissions model where a user can have many roles within an organization.

Given raw data like this:

"name": "John Doe",
"roles": [
"name": "OWNER",
"organization": {
"name": "Acme Corp"
"name": "ADMIN",
"organization": {
"name": "Acme Corp"

We might want to model this as a graph like this:

To accomplish this, we can use the relationship_type key to dynamically set the type of the relationship based on the data as we would with any other field.

- type: relationship
node_type: Organization
iterate_on: !jmespath roles[*]
relationship_type: !jmespath name
name: !jmespath

Similarly, you can use the node_type key to dynamically set the type of the related node based on the data as we would with any other field.

- type: relationship
node_type: !jmespath
iterate_on: !jmespath roles[*]
relationship_type: !jmespath name
name: !jmespath


These features come with some VERY IMPORTANT caveats.

  1. The relationship/node type must be a string.
  2. The relationship/node type must be a valid identifier for your underlying database.
  3. The data you are using to set the relationship type MUST BE sanitized and validated to prevent injection attacks. This is especially important if the data is coming from an untrusted source.
  4. Because the relationship/node type is dynamic, it is not possible to have the interpretaions that use this feature to be pre-validated by the schema. Migrations, for example, cannot prepare the database appropriately for this data type. So manual intervention may be required to ensure that the database is properly configured to handle the data.
  5. For the same reason, it is not possible for the schema system to know what the relationship/node type will be, so many of the features that rely on the schema system will not work with this feature.

In general, it is best to avoid using this feature if at all possible. If you find yourself needing to use this feature, it is a good idea to take a step back and consider if there is a better way to model your data.