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Project Configuration

The project configuration file (nodestream.yaml) is used to define the project's pipeline and other settings. The file is defined in the following schema:


scopesThe scopes to be used in the pipeline. It is a map of names to Scope instances.Map[String, Scope]{}Yes
targetsThe targets to be used in the pipeline. It is a map of names to Target instances.Map[String, Target]{}No
pluginsThe plugins to be used in the pipeline. It is a list of plugin configs Plugin instances.List[Plugin]{}No


The Scope is a configuration object that groups like pipelines together. Scopes can be used as a filter in certain CLI commands to only run pipelines in the specified scope. It is defined in the following schema:

targetsThe targets to be used in the pipeline. It is a list of target names.List[String][]No
annotationsA map of key, value pairs that can be used to annotate the scope. All pipelines in the scope will have these annotations. Annotations serve no functional purpose by default however plugins and your project code may use them for behavior.Map[String, String]{}No
configA map of key, value pairs that can be used to configure the scope. All pipelines in the scope will have these configuration values present by establishing values for the !config resolver.Map[String, Any]{}No
pipelinesThe pipelines to be used in the scope. It is a map of names to Pipeline instances.List[Pipeline]N/AYes


The Pipeline is a configuration object that acts a reference to and configuration for a pipeline.

nameThe name of the pipeline.StringThe name of the file pointed to by path. Required if configuring a plugin.Conditionally.
pathThe path to the pipeline file.StringN/A; May be set by a plugin if refrenced by name.Conditionally.
annotationsA map of key, value pairs that can be used to annotate the pipeline. Annotations serve no functional purpose by default however plugins and your project code may use them for behavior.Map[String, String]{}No
targetsThe targets to be used in the pipeline. It is a list of target names.List[String][]No
exclude_inherited_targetsA boolean flag that determines if the pipeline should exclude targets inherited from the scope.BooleanfalseNo

Instead of a Pipeline, you can also use a String to reference a pipeline by path. For example:

- path: path/to/pipeline.yaml

is equivalent to:

- path/to/pipeline.yaml


The Target is a configuration object that defines how to connect to a database. It is defined in the following schema:

databaseThe type of the target. This is used to determine which backend to use to communicate to the database.StringN/AYes
**configAdditional key, values on the object are directly passed to the backend. See the database documentation for more information on how to configure.Map{}No


The Plugin is a configuration object that defines a plugin to be used in the pipeline. It is defined in the following schema:

nameThe name of the plugin.StringN/AYes
configA map of key, value pairs that can be used to configure the plugin by establishing values for the !config resolver.Map{}No
targetsThe targets to be used in the plugin implicitly. It is a list of target names.List[String][]No
annotationsA map of key, value pairs that can be used to annotate the plugin. Annotations serve no functional purpose by default however plugins and your project code may use them for behavior.Map[String, String]{}No
pipelinesA list of Pipeline instances used to configure pipelines provided by the plugin.List[Pipeline][]No

Pipeline Configuration

The pipeline configuration file is used to define the pipeline's steps and settings. The file is defined in the following schema:


The pipeline configuration file is a list of steps that are executed in order. See the step definition for more information on how to define a step.

Step Definition

A step is a configuration object that defines a single unit of work in the pipeline. It is defined in the following schema:

implementationThe python path to the step implementation. The path is defined as module.path:object.StringN/AYes
argumentsThe arguments to be passed to the step implementation. Arguments are passed to the factor method as key word arguments on the supplied class. By default this method passes those arguments to class's constructor.Dict[str, Any]{}No
annotationsA list of strings that can be used to annotate the step. If annotations are passed from nodestream run, then the only steps that are loaded are ones that are not annotated or have at least one matching annotation.List[String][]No
factoryThe name of the @classmethod on the step class that is used to create the step. This is useful for steps that need to be created in different ways. If set, argumentsStringfrom_file_dataNo

Argument Resolution


The !include directive is used to include a file in line. The file is included as if it were part of the original file. This is useful for breaking up large configuration files into smaller, more manageable pieces.

!include path/to/file.yaml


The !env directive is used to include an environment variable in line. The environment variable is included as if it were part of the original file. This is useful for including sensitive information, such as API keys, without hardcoding them in the configuration file.

!env MY_API


The !config directive is used to include a configuration value in line. The configuration value is included as if it were part of the original file. This is useful for including sensitive information, such as API keys, without hardcoding them in the configuration file. The config decorator is specifically useful for decoupling configuration values required by the pipeline from the pipeline configuration itself.

!config my.config.key